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Acorns (Reception)

Welcome to Reception Class! 


Hello everyone, welcome to our Reception class page. My name is Mrs Cains and I am the Reception class teacher. I work alongside Mrs Unitt who is our wonderful class learning support practitioner. We are both very much looking forward to supporting the children throughout their Reception year which is always a very special time for both children and parents. At Grace Mary Primary School, we truly value the importance of the early years foundation stage (EYFS) in providing a secure foundation for future learning and development. We aim to make a significant contribution to that start by helping young children to develop a love for learning which they will carry with them through life. It is their right to be safe, healthy and happy and the welfare of the children is central to our provision of care, learning and play. We ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. The ‘Reggio Emilia’ approach influences our everyday practice within class. The philosophy behind the approach promotes respect, responsibility and community, and a strong emphasis on exploration and discovery. We believe all children have potential and curiosity, and it is our role as adults to observe, then further develop their natural abilities. 


On this page you will be able to find information on our Early Years curriculum, key things to know and key dates for the upcoming year. You will also be able to look at some photographs of the exciting things that our children have been up to. 


Please feel free to book an appointment with myself by calling the school office if there is anything else you would like help and support with. 


I look forward to getting to know all of our children and their families throughout the year. 

Mrs Cains 



Key Dates:


26th Jun - School Photographs

3rd July - Whole School Transition day - Children in their new classrooms.

22nd July - Last Day of Term - Sports Day & Family Picnic Day (more details to follow)

Key things to know:

  • New Oxford Owl books will be assigned each Friday.
  • Reading books and HFW words will be changed every Thursday. Please ensure your child has a book bag in school this day. 


Information for parents about reading and Maths - October 2023


Forge Mill Farm 2024
We had the best day visiting Forge Mill Farm. We absolutely loved visiting the different animals, feeding and stroking them. We met Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Alpacas, Horses, Donkeys, Ponies and Cows. We learnt all about how our food is made from 'Welly-to-Belly' and took part in lots of exciting activities. Our favourites were digging for worms and churning our own butter. We made our teachers and all the staff so proud, with our impecible manners and enthusiasm throughout the day.

We have loved watching our caterpillars grow and transform in to butterflies. We were sad but excited to let them go today and some of us were lucky enough to have them land on us!

The Animal lady came to visit!


We were so excited to welcome Laura and her wonderful selction of animlas. We encountered, cockroaches, snakes, geckos, lizards and even a honey bear from South Africa. We were so brave and had so much fun!

Spring Term Learning

The children have had a fantastic second term in Reception learning lots of exciting new things. They have been working very hard with their reading, writing and maths and have been creating lots of wonderful things during their play. Take a look below to find out a little more about our learning during Spring Term. 



We are so proud of our writing. We have been writing labels, captions and signs for our classroom.

Talk for Writing


This term we have been loving learning new stories in our Talk for writing sessions.
Have a look at some of our story maps. We have loved learning Whatever next, Alien's love underpants and The very Hungry Caterpillar.



We have been loving exploring number with the number blocks. We have used tens frames and part, part whole diagrams to help us represent numbers.


We have enjoyed exploring pattern and shape.

Kinetic Letters


We have loved following Bounce and Skip the playful monkeys on their handwriting journey. We have been practising letter shapes in the sand and have learnt how to hold our pencil carefully. 

Autumn Term Learning - Take a look at some of the things we have been up to during our first few weeks in Reception class.....

Understanding the world.

         Autumn Term In Reception


The children have had a fantastic first term in Reception learning lots of exciting new things. They have been working very hard with their reading, writing and maths and have been creating lots of wonderful things during their play. Take a look blow to find out a little more about our learning during Autumn Term. 



The children have been learning lots of new sounds during our daily phonics sessions this term. The children learn a new sound each day and then practice reading and writing these sounds in short words. The children have really enjoyed using their phonics during their free play. We have been so impressed with some of the amazing work they have done!



This term, we have focused on exploring numbers and all of the different ways we can show numbers. The children have been investigating what numbers can look like when we show them on our fingers, write them down and represent them with objects such as cubes. The children have also been practicing skills including subitising (recognising amounts without having to count) and splitting different numbers of objects into two parts. 

Forest School


Acorns have absolutely loved their time in forest school. We have had fun, learning our forest school rules, drinking hot chocolate and rolling down hills. 
