Project 500

What is Project 500?
Think back to your childhood. We can all think of our favourite book. We can all say why it was our favourite book. We will never forget that book. Books were powerful then and they are powerful now.
Project 500 is an ambitious project to get (at least) 500 brand new books donated and gifted to our school library.
As children begin to return to school, we want to give them more time to take pleasure in a good book- be it a story, non-fiction book, picture book or graphic novel.
The benefits of reading for pleasure stretch throughout a person's life. Research finds that reading for pleasure can result in increased empathy, improved relationships with others and improved wellbeing. It improves children's sense of connectedness to the wider community and increases understanding of their own identity. These are all skills we want our children to have.
We have created a wish list of books that we would love to flood our classrooms with over the next few months. Click on the link below to access the list. Please let us know if you do donate so we can personally thank you.
Keep checking back here for weekly reports on our progress towards our target.
Thank you all.
Mr Cains
Deputy Head
We reached our target of 500 books! Thank you to everyone who contributed. The children are very excited by their new books and it is lovely to walk into classrooms and see children reading with a smile on their faces!