Contact Details
Contact details for school
Grace Mary Primary School
Hawfield Road
West Midlands
B69 1LD
Please speak to one of our members of our office team: Mrs Oliarnyk or Mrs Bates who will be happy to help you or direct you accordingly on 01384 255910
Or you can email the school office at
N.B. Paper copies of content from this website are available upon request (free of charge).
Contact details for the school SENCo and Inclusion
Our SENCOs are in school on the following days. If you require information at any other time please contact
the Head Teacher through the school office.
Mrs Willetts: Tuesday - Thursday
Miss Duggan: Thursday & Friday
Safeguarding Team: Mrs Sturmey, Mrs Smith, Mrs Willetts, and Miss Duggan
The team can be contacted daily through the school office from 8:00am - 4:00pm.
Telephone: 01384 255910
If you do wish to discuss a more sensitive matter or do not wish to speak in person, please email