Get in Touch

Beech (Year 4)

Welcome to Beech Class!

Dear Parents/Guardians,


We are extremely excited for the productive and enjoyable year ahead!


What do we expect from your child in Year 4?

Our aim is to ensure that our Year 4 pupils become more independent and confident learners ready for Upper Key Stage 2. We will support and guide the pupils in their learning and ensure that children feel safe enough to ask for help when needed.

In Year 4, pupils are expected to take more responsibility for themselves and their learning journey. We hope that the children become more independent learners and use the tools in their learning environment – like our learning walls – to ‘have a go’ and persevere.


Times Tables Check:

The children in Year 4 will be preparing to take the Statutory Times Tables Check in the summer term. This will determine whether children are able to recall their times tables fluently – something which is key for future success in mathematics.

The check will support us to identify those who have not fully mastered their times tables, hence we will be able to provide them with additional support as they continue to move through the school.


Physical Education:

This term, our PE lessons will take place on a Monday. Please ensure your child attends school on this day in their correct PE kit. 


Reading and Book Change:

At Grace Mary we value the importance of reading as a key ingredient for success in children’s lives and encourage you to read with your child regularly after school.

Our book change day is Monday – please ensure that your child has their Home Readers Book and their Library Book with them ready for this to be changed.


Home learning:

A copy of the KS2 homework policy can be found on the school website. We encourage children to:

  • Complete daily reading, times tables practice and spelling practice (new rule each week).
  • Self-quiz using the knowledge organiser for our science, history and geography topic.
  • Complete weekly work.
  • Complete work (set every fortnight).

Additional home learning will be celebrated!


Thank you for taking the time to read and for your continued support,

Mrs Frost and the Year 4 team ðŸ˜Š

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Home Learning

So that you are prepared for Upper Key Stage 2, it is important that you complete your home learning activities. Everyday we expect you to:

  • read 
  • practise your weekly spelling rules and words 
  • practise your times tables


As well as this, and work will be set to ensure that you have the opportunity to practise what we learn in school at home. 


Below are some important websites you will need to complete your home learning: 
