Maple (Year 3)
Welcome to Maple!
Welcome to Maple Class! We are looking forward to an exciting term as your child settles into KS2.
In Autumn term, Year 3 will learning all about what life was like in the past with our History topic on Prehistoric Britain, and will gain knowledge about Rocks, Soils, Fossils, Forces and Magnets from our Science lessons.
In English this term we will be creating some trilling independent writes based on our focus books, starting with a character description of Mr Twit following Roald Dahl week. We can't wait to share these with you!
Please enjoy our class page, the place to find useful dates, links for homework and to see what we are learning about this term. You can also find photos of what we have been getting up to in class.
If you have any queries or would like to contact a member of the Year 3 team, please do not hesitate to book an appointment with the school office.
All the best,
Miss Flavell and Miss Longden
Weekly reminders:
Books are changed and sent home on Mondays
Year 3 have PE on a Wednesday
Curriculum Overview
Autumn term 1 Knowledge Organisers
Prehistoric Cave Art
Useful Websites and Resources