E-Safety at Grace Mary
E-Safety at School and at Home
Thank you.
Grace Mary Primary School E-Safety
Skips Safety Net
Safety Net supports schools, community groups and frontline practitioners in teaching parents how to keep their children safe when using the Internet, social media and online gaming. It has been developed in collaboration with Home Office Prevent and West Midlands Police and Crime Commission, Safety Net is proving — using live webinars, remote learning and family resources — to be a vital way of keeping children safe online, particularly as we adapt to living and working in unusual circumstances during COVID-19. It provides lots of information, such as below. Please click here to access the website.
Please click on the websites below to find guidance on how to keep your child safe online.
Keeping children safe at home
The internet is a wonderful thing! It can be used in so many creative ways to enhance people's lives. There is no doubt that social media and gaming can provide wonderful opportunities for our children to enjoy life and learn.
How do you really know if your children are safe at home? Read the guidance below which gives seven conversation starters you can use with your children.
We have also uploaded parent guides for common games and social media used by the children. Pupil voice carried out at Grace Mary indicated that these are the most commonly used social media apps and games.