Anti-Bullying Advice
At Grace Mary Primary School, we take bullying very seriously. Pupils and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported to a member of staff.
What is bullying?
Bullying is 'Behaviour by an individual or a group, usually repeated over time that intentionally hurts another individual either physically or emotionally'.
What does bullying look like?
Types of unwelcome acts of bullying might include:
- Physical - hitting, kicking, tripping up, pinching, pushing or damaging property.
- Verbal – name calling, insults, teasing, ‘jokes’, mocking, taunting, gossiping, secrets and threats and homophobic or racist remarks.
- Non-verbal – staring, body language, gestures and posturing.
- Social – excluding / leaving people out, spreading rumours and stories, notes, making rude gestures or faces and embarrassing someone in public.
- Cyber – posting or sending hurtful: texts, emails, posts, images or videos; making online threats; imitating others online and spreading nasty gossip or rumours online.
It is important to note that not all unpleasantness between pupils is bullying, some can be regarded as random acts of unkindness such as refusing to talk to a person. These behaviours will be dealt with using our ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system.
Grace Mary’s Golden Values
All staff and pupils at Grace Mary were actively involved in creating our "GM Golden Values', which we all strive to achieve on a daily basis. Here are some of our Golden Values below that children and staff are expected to follow:
- We are gentle with each other
- We are kind and helpful
- We listen to people
- We are honest
- We give respect to ALL members of our community
- We do not hurt anyone
- We do not hurt people’s feelings
- We do not hide the truth
How do we educate the children about bullying?
Each year, we as a school take part in Anti-Bullying Week (held in the month of November). Anti-Bullying Week shines a spotlight on bullying and encourages all children, teachers and parents to take action against bullying. Over the course of Anti-Bullying Week, we hold a number of school assemblies and each class completes many activities, educating the children about what bullying is and how to deal with different forms of bullying, effectively.
Ways of reporting bullying
If pupils witness bullying or feel they are being bullied they can tell any member of staff. This information is then passed onto the Wellbeing Team and Mrs Frost (Assistant Headteacher).
Pupils may also write down any worries they have about bullying and put these into a worry box, which are found in each classroom. The Wellbeing Team will then read such worries and support the children however necessary. Pupils are aware that for incidents to be dealt with they must not report anonymously. We have an ‘open door’ policy with regards to Rainbow room and ALL children know that if anything is worrying them, they can be dismissed from class and go and speak with a member of the Wellbeing Team.
If a member of staff witnesses bullying, they must record this on CPOMs (our internal system). This is then communicated within school to the appropriate persons, usually the class teachers, of the children involved, as well the Wellbeing Team and Mrs Frost.
Parents/ members of the public
Parents can report any concerns regarding bullying by:
- Speaking to their child's class teacher, the Wellbeing Team or Mrs Frost.
- Phoning the school: 01384255910
- E-mailing the office: