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Breakfast Club, Afterschool Care & Nursery

Breakfast & Afterschool Care


Wrap Around care is offered to Grace Mary Primary School pupils from Nursery age upwards. 


Parents who may need to use the afterschool service for their child who attends Grace Mary's Focus Provision, please arrange a meeting with the school Senco to discuss if this is an option.  Prices may vary depending on pupil's needs.



Miss Sturmey (Breakfast)

Mrs Sheares (Breakfast)

Mrs Garcha (Breakfast)

Miss McAviney (Breakfast)


Mrs Eggleton (After School)

Miss Crumpton (After School)


Times and Prices (Prices correct as September 2024)


Session 1

Breakfast Club (from 7:45am) includes breakfast              £ 4.00


Session 2

After School Care (3:00pm – 4:00pm) includes snacks      £4.00


Session 3

After School Care (3:00pm – 5:00pm) includes snacks     £8.00


From September 2024 - Session 4 

After School Care (3:00 pm - 5:45 pm latest pick up, closes at 6:00 pm) includes snacks    £ 12.00


Other charges

A charge of £5.00 will be incurred from 3:05pm if you are late collecting your child at the end of the school day, this is due to an increase in adults required to ensure ratios are adhered to.


The school reserves the right to charge for another session for late pick up if it exceeds the collection time of 3.30pm.


Unfortunately, there will not be an opportunity to book your child into Afterschool Club on a day to day basis.



Payment is to be made in advance via, Parent Pay (by Friday noon each week). Parents should make sure their balance does not fall into arrears. The club reserves the right to withdraw the service if payments are consistently in arrears. If the payment has not been made your child will need to be picked up at 3pm.


In line with other external childcare providers, children have regular, permanent spaces on set days at our club for the duration of their schooling or until the parent decides they no longer require these spaces. The sessions must be paid for to hold the child’s place if they do not attend. You will be charged for non-attended sessions which your child normally attends. However, where a child is absent from school that day for illness or has a medical appointment (proof required), we will not charge.


We are unable to hold spaces for your children to attend extra-curricular clubs instead. If your child wishes to attend an extra –curricular club they are welcome to but the After School Club space must be paid for to hold their space. As our club works on the basis of permanent spaces, we are unable to fill these on a short-term basis.


We understand that emergencies may crop up through the day, and parents may run late. We will accommodate parents/carers as much as possible but you may occur £5.00 charge.

Nursery Wraparound (3 hour session)


For pupils on role at Grace Mary Primary School, if you wish to top up your child's hours from 3 hours to 'all day provision' in the school nursery the following prices apply:


From Monday 9th September 2024 30-hour wraparound prices will be increasing in line with other schools in the area.  


Nursery Wraparound (for 30-hour children)


£ 4.00 session                             £ 20.00 weekly


You have the option of ordering your child a school dinner, which is currently priced at £ 2.60 a day (subject to price increases). Therefore, the charges would then be:


£6.60 session                              £33.00 weekly


Invoices will be sent at the end of each month, and payable through Parent Pay.



Nursery Wraparound (for non 30-hour children)


£ 20.00 session                 £ 100.00 weekly


£ 4.00 lunch time cover


 You have the option of ordering your child a school dinner, which is currently priced at £ 2.60 a day (subject to price increases). Therefore, the charges would then be:


£26.60 session                    £133.00 weekly


Invoices will be sent at the end of each month, and payable through Parent Pay.
