Grace Mary Parking Buddies
Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) received funding through the Capability and Ambition Fund and decided to use this funding to support schools with active travel through the provision of School Road Safety Signage (Parking Buddies). These are cheerfully designed bollards to warn drivers against inconsiderate parking.
Grace Mary took delivery of these today, and I think you can agree, look great!
The pretend pupils discourage cars from mounting the pavement or blocking crossing points to improve safety and visibility for the children and parents walking to the school gates.
By walking to school or parking a short walk away from the school gates, children are getting active rather than sitting in traffic, whilst the school and community benefits from reduced congestion and air pollution.
Grace Mary is also still an active participant in the WOW Walk to School challenge where the challenge rewards children who travel actively to school with collectable badges.